FAQ (вопрос/ответ) Archive

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FAQ in English [9]
This cathegory contains an english version of Haven's FAQ
Вопросы и ответы по Гавани [9]
В этом разделе - вопросы, касающиеся Гавани

Q.: How the new town will be added into the WoG project? Will it substitute an existing town or not?

A.: That’s still being discussed with the WoG team and there’s a number of possible variants, so no final decision was taken so far.

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Q.:  What unique buildings will be found in Haven?

A.: There will be six of them. A magic one and an upgrade to it makes two. Another one contributes to weekly creature growth. Then a shipyard and a lighthouse that act and cost slightly different as compared to their vanilla counterparts. And a secret building that we won’t tell you about until the release.

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Q.: What are the names of Haven creatures?

A.: Mermaid / Undine, Triton / Sea Templar, Siren / Sea Witch, Killer Crab / Panzer Crab, Giant Squid / Kraken, Sea Bishop / Oracle of the Deep, Sea Serpent / Abyss Wyrm.

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